Landscape Design and Landscape Management
Historic Landscape Consultants
Landscape Design
Bramhill Design can offer a range of design services from small gardens, such as Sandycombe Lodge, to large-scale landscapes such as the new access road and car park at Wheatley Park School. The practice has undertaken a range of landscape and visual assessment studies and worked with architects on the landscape setting to buildings.
Wheatley Park School, Wheatley
Eastcote Manor Gardens, Middlesex
Examples of projects include:
Sandycombe Lodge: design of the gardens to echo the simple grassy mound and planting taken from a C18 print. Plants chosen would have been available to the artist Turner in creating his garden.
Eastcote Manor Gardens: design of year round interest in this walled garden that forms the horticultural highlight to this public park .
Wheatley Park School: design of the roadside and car park landscape including spectacular new wildflower meadows, new structural trees and refurbishment of existing woodlands.
Sandycombe Lodge, Twickenham
© Bramhill Design 2022